
Barefooted Youth: Episode 4

Barefooted Youth: Episode 4

YoSuk is jogging in the cold winter weather with raincoat. He beat the air with his fist.

*****Dark Mansion
MS: (Wiping a large sword.) Where have you been? I told you not to go far. I looked for you everywhere last night.
JS: You asked me to go find information about Han SoonIm's child.
MS: (Seems uninterested.) Did I? Really?
JS: Have you heard of a small town called ChungChan? It looks like he grew up there and graduated from High School last year and went to Seoul. No one knows where he is right now.
MS: (Admiring the sword.) Shimioshi gave me this sword as a present 15 years ago. He is a good friend in his own ways. Once, I had a very good chance to use it. (Laughs, remembering Ki SunJae's face, and himself pointing the sword at his opponent.) But I couldn't. Do you know when was that? ... I'll tell you some other time.
JS: Should I continue searching?
MS: For what?
JS: For SoonIm's boy.
MS: Forget it. Tell me instead: Who was the informant who told us Chansik's hiding place?
JS: PalTae. He is in Pusan right now.
MS: He has a brain so he knows what to do. But I have a feeling... Find him.

**********Motel Room
PalTae is found sleeping with a woman. He is suddenly surrounded by many people...

*********Golf Court
JS tells MS they were too late. PalTae has been arrested.

**********Professor Park's Office
Prof. Park: Congratulations! (Making YS sit.) Your grades are pretty good.
YS: Thank you.
PP: I'm telling you this knowing that you're already in. I've really wished not to see your name listed among the new freshmen. (YS doesn't understand.) Do you know why?

YS: I'm not sure... (Smiling.)
PP: A person who is a rebel and does not conform to norms is definitely evil for society. But someone who tries too hard to conform knowing it's easier to go the other way can become a burden to society all the same. I could smell that you are in this contradiction.

YS: (Smiling.) But I know you were the first among all the professors who took me in.
PP: Then let me ask you: Have I picked the right policeman?

*********Outside Prof. Park's Office
Prof. Park is letting YS go.
PP: Let me hear an answer to my last question after you graduate.
A middle-aged police officer is walking down the hall with a young man by his side. He waved to Prof. Park.
PP: Hey, what are you doing here?
YS is walking facing their direction, and the young man seems to recognize him. He follows YS.
Officer: (Shaking hands happily.) Come here and greet the professor... (But he realizes the boy is gone.) Well, my son is among the new freshmen. I was showing him around, trying to introduce the professors to him... (Laughed to himself) But it's so hard to keep him next to me.

*********Police University: Stairway
YS is walking down the stairs.
JiHoon: Long time no see! (YS looks at him strangely.) Don't you remember me? You were interviewed right before me.
YS: Ah, I remember. You got in. Congratulations. (Shake hands.)
Officer's Voice: JiHoon, where are you? Come greet the professor!
JH: See you later. (Turning back.) Before I forget... you said that you chose this school in order to lead an honest life. (YS looked puzzled.) I was really impressed. Later!

*********Police University: Outside

YS is walking slowly, deep in thought. He is looking at a bullet in his hand.
**Flash Back: Prof. Park's Office
PP: When I was being trained with the F.B.I. in America, we had to arrest a Colombian drug dealer by the name of Salvador Moreta. (He took out a box from his desk. Inside, there's a bullet.) We had encircled him, but he shot me with this. (Touches the bullet.) I barely survived. Every time I'm tired, I touch this, and I remember what it is to be half dead. This thing has a life of its own.
PP gave the bullet to YoSuk.
PP: I'll lend this to you. Return it to me on your Graduation Day. You will physically feel what it means to be a policeman.

*********Back Outside
YS held the bullet on the palm of his hand and closed it. JiHoon past by inside of a car, and observed him curiously.

********Police Station

PalTae is being interviewed by officer Yoo. Prosecutor Ki is there too.
PT: Tell me who you are looking for instead of going around. Are you after me?
Yoo: I wouldn't go through all this trouble for that. You betrayed the man you served for 20 years. Just tell us to whom.
PT: I think you know. So I tell you this also. Don't you know that if I open my mouth, I'll be dead?

Yoo: You might just as well. Count the charges we have against you. If convicted, this will put you in jail for 10 years at least. Your daughter just turned one? So you won't see her till she's in Junior High.
The door opened, and a group of fierce looking policemen surrounded PT. The interview has just began...

**********Dark Mansion: Living Room
MS has just finished his massage.
JaeSik: Everything was my mistake, Sir. I might not be able to serve you for a couple of years. I'm sorry.
MS: You're not the real target. They're really after me... (Looking at BangKe) Where is SY?
BangKe: (Nervous.) He told me not to tell you.
JS: Come on!
MS: He's still after that opera singer? What a fool! He cannot even conquer a mere girl...

*********Opera House

YeJu is singing a soprano solo accompanied by a pianist. She is holding a handkerchief. The auditorium is small with sparse audience. SY is there with a bored look, chewing gum. His bodyguards are sitting behind him.
Clap, clap, clap. The performance is over and she started walking out after bowing to her audience. She stopped, and looked defiantly at SY.
YJ: Hey you, gangster boy! Can't you stop chewing gum like that?! (She threw her handkerchief toward his direction in disgust.)
SY is ashamed.

*********Outside: YeJu's Car

YeJu is in the passenger's seat. SY's bodyguards approached her. She opened her door.
Sado: My boss has sent this to you. (Gives her a basket of flowers.)
YJ: "Crazy."
YJ sees SY ahead and stops her car in front of SY. SY happily opens her door and starts talking to her... but she throws the flower to his face and goes.
SY: Wow, she really has a temper! Do you think she is dating someone?
Sado: No sir, she's not.


YeJu is having dinner with her date. He excuses himself and goes to the men's room, where SY's bodyguards warn him: "Just be off. Someone else had an eye on her for the longest time."
Sado: (To YeJu.) The man left. He said he's busy.
YJ: (Looking upset.) Did you beat him up?
Sado: No way, how could we.
YJ: Go tell your boss I'm tired of having him rumming around me like a dog. He is unable to kill a fly but he carries baggages and thinks he has the world before him. I could only think of him like a dog.
SY: How did you know I was born in the year of the Dog, 1970? (Sitting down.) Even dogs deserve love. One of these days you will end up liking me.
YJ: Not before I go to hell.
SY: We'll see.
YJ: Leave before I start screaming.
SY: Do as you like... (Sees a group of people that has just entered: Soongjun, HaeJun, among others. He becomes tense.)
YJ: You asked for it.
SY: Wait... Don't scream.
Sj saw SY, and walked toward him, "Look who's here? Isn't this Mr. Jang?"
SY: (Shaking hands.) Wow, what a coincidence!
Sj: Didn't I tell you we're both destined to cross each other's path?
SY: I heard you passed the Bar exam. Though I'm late, congratulations.
Sj: Why don't we have a drink together?
SY: (Nervous.) I would like that, but we were leaving now. (Threw the food down.) I really hate this crap they serve here. (He signaled to YeJu, who looked back defiantly.)
Sj: (Looking at YeJu.) Is it because of us? If that's the case, we should leave instead. We don't want to spoil your date.
YJ: What? Date?! (Changes her mind. Sweetly smiling.) What are you doing? Didn't you tell me you'll take me to a fun place afterwards? Let's get out. (SY is surprised.) Hurry...
SY: (Gave his business card to Sj.) Give me a call whenever. I'll buy you a nice drink then. Let's go. (YeJu put her hands around one of SY's arms. SY looked over his shoulders at the other table and waved at HaeJun.)
HJ: Oppa, who are they?

********Outside the Restaurant
SY: (Breathing hard.) Fu.. $%%... (At YeJu.) Thank you.
YJ: Don't you dare think I helped you because I was afraid of you. (Pushing him away.) I just felt sorry for you. (Runs away.)
SY: (Satisfied smile, to Sado.) No matter how I look at her, she's hot. Don't you think so?

****Dark Mansion: MS's Room

MS is coughing hard and is laying on his bed. JaeSik brings him a drink.
MS: SY is not home yet? JaeSik, you take good care of him. He's a spoiled brat who doesn't know the difference between game and work. If anything happens to me, he won't be able to do anything. He is really alone in this world.
JS: You are still very healthy.
MS: That's right! (Still laying on his bed.) Sometimes, I wish I had another son. (JaeSik is about to leave.) Moon ChunSuk is free now ?
JS: Yes, Sir. And he's gathering his followers.
MS: He could be very dangerous if left on his own... Destroy him.
JS: Yes, Sir.
MS: Don't do it yourself. Send others.

***********Life Cafe
HaeJun is there, looking at the closed down cafe. Disappointed, he walked out slowly, but remembered and went to the posting board. There are post-cards and letters of people saying farewell to the band, and the address of their fan club. She wote, "Please, I need to know where Casiope Band is right now..."

****Snowy Road

Casiope Band are pushing a Van that got stock on the snow. Unable to move it, they start walking, carrying overloads of instruments. They're entering a Ski Resort.
YS: So, is this our new home?
Musician: While other students are having fun, you are working, carrying heavy loads. (Mocking.) I pity you.
YS: A country boy is seeing the Ski-resorts for the first time. Not bad. And I don't work alone anymore. That's an improvement also. (Smiles.)

*******SungJae's Flash Back

*Wife: You shouldn't do this, no! That woman was being searched as a suspect... You are a responsible man, and a righteous one. Think again. She will be the cause of your ruin. Besides... You can't do this to me. How could you?
*SJae, on the phone: (To SoonIm.) I'm busy. All of this week and the next. No, I won't see you anymore. Good bye. (Hang up. Regretted, and called her back.) It's me. I'll be there. Right now.
*Sjae and SI are hugging each other, crying.
*Madam Chu's voice: Do you know why she died without telling anyone? Because he is Jang MyungSuk's son. Think about it. She didn't want her son to grow up and end up being imprisoned by you.

*****SJae's Office
SJae is looking out of the window. Officer Yoo comes in excited. "PalTae is finally opening his mouth!" SJae looked distracted, as if he were somewhere else.

********Police Station
PT is being interviewed. There's a tape recorder in front of him. "This is all I know. There's no more."
SJae: You worked for this man for 20 years. Come on! Don't tell me you just sold him for money! What was the true reason?
PT: Nothing else.
Yoo: You know you'll be dead once you're out.
SJae: Just tell us the reason behind.
PT: Ahhhh!!! (Crying.) I got a phone call.
Yoo: From whom?
PT: ... Mr. Jang. From Mr. Jang MyungSuk!

**********Police Station: Hallway
Officer Yoo is talking excitedly to SJae. "On May 16th of last year, Jang MyungSuk was in New Zealand. That means that it was an international call. And it must have been from a hotel. I think we could track that."

********SJae's Office
SJae is looking out of the window. Officer Yoo is coming in. "You should buy me dinner. We found the records of the phone call made to PalTae on May 16th." SJae looks distracted. "Sir?"
SJae: Let's have a drink.

******Outside, Walking
SJae: There was a woman I once loved. Not my wife. To us, it has been love, but to others, it was scandalous. Maybe that made it more exciting. But that love was weak. I had no courage to give up anything for her. Yet, do you know who took her in?
Yoo: Are you talking of Jang MyungSuk? Are you telling me you're involved in this case for personal reasons?
Sjae: ¡_
Yoo: If that's the case, what are we? Regardless, JMS will be arrested, I will see to it!

********Dark Mansion: MS's Room
MS: Is that true?
JS: Yes, they took all the phone records from Seoul Hotel. I think you should hide, Sir.
MS: What about you?
JS: I will too, after I finish what I'm doing.

*********Dark Masion: Living Room
JaeSik entered with BangKe. SangYup is walking impatiently.
JS: (Gave some documents to SY.) These are your father's documents concerning the entire mafia. Study and burn it. Don't leave any trace. Would you be able to memorize it?
SY: I'm not stupid! Don't treat me like a kid. I too know what to do in these circumstances. (To Sado.) Take these and come to my room. And call everyone for a meeting.
Phone rang and BangKe picked up. "It's a woman looking for Big Boss."
JS: The Boss is not here. Who is this? Who? ... Han SoonIm?

********At the Bar
JS: Are you Chu HaeRan? You said you have information regarding Han SoonIm's child?
HR: Did Mr. Jang send you? Is he also trying to avoid me? I see, he's ashamed to deal with me personally. (Pouring whisky.) Forget it. Tell him that if he's so curious, to come in person.
JS: You said you wanted to act in a movie? Depending on your answer … you could start right away.

***********Ski Resort
Soongjun and HaeJun are taking their skis out of the Jeep.
Sj: I thought you had no time to play with me?
HJ: I don't. But once you start your internship, you'll be like dead for a long time. Shouldn't I pity you? (Playfully.) So I'm here for a good cause, don't you think?
Sj: I see... Thank you sooo much. (Following the joke.)
InSu: Wait for me! (Bringing his snow-board.) Hyung, do you really think you could learn this from me?

*********ChungChan Town's House
DogN & MaeJu are watching TV and laughing. Phone rings and MJ picks up. He got tensed. They went to Ko KangSoo at the Bowling Alley.
KS: What? Who?
MJ: Mr. Jang MyungSuk from Seoul.
KS: Mr. Jang called directly?
MJ: Not him, but the one right below him. What was his name?
KS: What did he want?
MJ: He asked for YoSuk. (SuHwa was at the counter, and stops to listen, scared.) He wanted to know everything about him, in detail.
KS: Why YoSuk?
MJ: How would I know?
DogN: YS has no respect for anyone. (Enjoying.) Don’t you think he did something stupid over there also?
MJ: That's right. So now, he's the same as dead now.

*******Manbo's House
SuHwa: I think he is in trouble now, he's so stupid. (Crying to Manbo.) I can't stand this! I got to go find him!

*******Ski Resort: Night Café YoSuk is fixing the instruments. Musician signals him that he has a visitor. HaeJu is there, looking shyly at him. YoSuk just stared at her.

*****Ski Resort: Outside

YS and HJ are standing next to each other, speechless, looking down and caressing the snow with their feet.
HJ: (Shyly.) No, it's not a coincidence that we've met here. I found out where you were. (YS smiled and she felt stupid.) I never thought I would go after a guy. Even now, it's hard for me to believe... But look at me now. Am I stupid or what?
YoSuk kept his glance on her. Turned around, smiling and went to the man working at the Lifters.
YS: Sir, can I ride this once?
Man: No, it's closed now.
YS: I work at the Café over there but I haven't had a chance to ride the lifter yet.
Man: OK. Only once.
YS: Can I bring a girl with me?
Man: OK, but hurry.
YS: (Calling.) HaeJu, come here!
HJ: What?
YS: Let's try the lifter.
HJ: We don't have skis on?
YS ran to her and dragged her to the lifting machine. They went up laughing and jumped. Now they are at the top of the mountain, looking down.
HJ: (Worried.) How are we going to go down now?
YS: Wait right here. (Ran to the tower and came back with 2 garbage bags.) I never had a chance to ski before. But where I grew up, we used this instead.

HJ didn't understand. YS unfolded both bags and told her to sit on one of them. You just have to push (He demonstrated). They laughed, feeling silly and … down the hill they went, rolling!!!
Once they're down, they start running. But a band of scary looking men surrounded them. JaeSik approaches YS.
JS: Are you Han YoSuk?
YS: (Hardening.) Who are you?
JS: You must come with me now.
YS: Tell me who you are!
JS: I don't have much time. Just listen carefully!
Soongjun is standing at the balcony, watching suspiciously at them.

*******Inside the Black Car
JS: Your mother didn't tell you anything about your father? (No answer.) I guess not. That's why your last name is Han.
YS: Where are we going?
Phone rang. That warned JS that they are surrounded by the police. JS scrabbled something on a piece of paper and gave it to YS.
JS: Find this address and look for Mr. Jang MyungSuk. Give him this. Get off now. You don’t know who we are. Hurry!!

********Snowy Forest
YS is walking in the snow, looking straight. He saw a cabin and went near it. He is surrounded by 4 gangsters. "Who are you?", they asked.
YS: I came to see Mr. Jang MyungSuk.
Gangster: There's no one by that name here.
YS: I have to see him. (Tried to continue walking but he is blocked.)
Gangster: Son of a $%^! Where the heck do you think you’re going? (Pushed him.)
YS: Get out, I’ve got to see him. (Walking.)

Gangster: Who'd you think you are? (One of them hitted him, the other punched and added a kick. YS is rolling on the floor.)
BangKe: What's going on?
Gangster: This guy wants to come in.
BangKe: Who are you?
YS: (YS shows him the piece of paper.) Jo JaeSik wanted to give this to Mr. Jang.
BangKe left, and came back almost right away, "Come in!"

********Inside the Cabin
MS is sitting sideways to YS, without looking at him. YS faced him, with head down, and blood running from his mouth. MS turned and looked at him. YS raised his head and looked back. They looked at each other.
MS: Is your mother Han SoonIm?
YS: Yes.
MS: They'd hit you hard. (Looked away and threw a pair of black gloves at him.)
YS looked at the gloves, put them on, and walked out.

*******Outside the Cabin
YS is adjusting the gloves, walking towards the gangsters. All 4 of them look at him not knowing what was coming. He walks to the center... and hit! Kick , kick and flying they went down to the floor.

*****Inside the Cabin
YS came back to the room, took off the gloves and left it on the table next to Mr. Jang.
MS: (Turning slowly to look at YS's face again.) Do you think we look alike? (YoSuk just looked down.) I think I could see some resemblance. (YoSuk looked up...)

To be Continue...

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