
Barefooted Youth : Episode 7 - 8

Barefooted Youth: Episode 7

*******Court Room
The hammer went up and down: "Bang Bang!" "All stand up!" "The court is adjourned."
MS and SJae are standing, facing each other.
YS continued standing too, frozen. HJ entered the court room and almost bumped into YS. SangYup is leaving with his men and shakes YoSuk's hand as he leaves. YS continued standing, looking at HJ. Soongjun is watching unhappily.

******Roof Top
SJae is looking at the clear sky, tired and defeated.
*Voice of Judge: Jang MyungSuk, innocent. Jo JaeSik, innocent.

*******Police Station/ Room
JJS is packing all their belongings. He bows to JMS as he enters. Lawyer Suh sat on a sofa, reading a magazine.
MS: (To lawyer Suh) At least you do a good job.
LS: Of course, you pay me double. (He continues reading without looking up) Otherwise you would break my neck.
MS: Let's get out. I don't want to stay here a minute longer.

********Roof Top
Officer Yoo joined SJae in his meditation.
SJae: We've lost.
Yoo: The final decision is not out yet.
SJae: It's over... And I've lost to myself.

********Prosecutor's Office
SJae wrote his letter of resignation, took out his photo ID, and left everything on top of his desk.

********SJae's House/ His Office
Sj: Father, you can't do this! You told me that when we fight against criminals. We may not always win. They've hit you on your back when you were not looking. It was an accident!
SJae: I can't say personal reasons didn't influence me in this case. So I couldn't be too objective about it. That's why I cannot forgive myself.
Sj: If you do this you will be losing twice!
* (HJ is outside the office, listening attentively.)
Sj: Do you know what I cannot stand? That you're giving up on mere criminals! You are my role model, not just as my father, but as an agent of Law and Order! How could you do that to me?

******Dark Mansion/ MS's Room
MS is lying on his bed, looking tired.
BangKe: (Entered the room and bowed) Sir, please come out. Everyone is waiting for you. They want to congratulate you. I told them you were not feeling well... (JaeSik signaled, and BK left.)
MS: How did everything go?
JS: We shouldn't worry for PT anymore. We sent him the message.
MS: OK...

*******PT's Room
PalTae sat on his bed, thinking.
*JaeSik's Voice: He's been around for 20 years. He knows what to do.
PT hangs himself.

*******Golf Field
MS is laying on a portable sofa, covered with a blanket. SY is playing golf.
SY: Father, did you hear? Ki SungJae resigned. (He continued golfing) Now he could open up his own firm. What if we hire him, hee hee? (He cracks up.)
MS: Did you see your brother?
SY: (Stops laughing) ... Yes?
MS: YoSuk. I told you to see him once a week. Why don't you listen to me?

********Country Road & Valley/ near the Police University
YS and HJ are walking silently, keeping a 2 metres distance from each other, as if afraid to come closer. They are walking on the road. A car horned from behind. They both walked toward opposite directions, letting the car divide them. They kept on walking, YS looking far away, and HJ looking sadly at his back.

********Bus Stop/ Bench
YS is on the left end of the long bench. HaeJun sat on the opposite end, with her back at him, not wanting to see him.
HJ: (Sadly) Last night, Picko died. The dog that brought us together. If I didn't have him, he might not have died. I shouldn't have adopted him...
YS: People are like that too. Sometimes, it would have been better if certain people have never met.
HJ: Do you really think so?
There is no answer. The bus comes and HJ boarded and left. No words are exchanged. YS stood up and walked away.

*******Police University
* (8:00 a.m.) YS and his classmates marched, studied, and attended lectures.
* (10:30 a.m.) YS and his classmates are marching again.
* (1:00 p.m.) YS and his classmates are taking a computer class.
* (2:00 p.m.) Class is over and YS is walking inside the locker room.
People's voice: I heard he is set free. I saw it in the News. JMS is indeed powerful.
JiHoon: He's just a gangster after all. Prosecutor Ki did well in resigning. If I lose to such felons, I would also resign. (DongJun touched JiHoon and signaled him to stay quiet, pointing at YS who just entered to change his clothes.)
JH: (Smiling) Congratulations YS! Your father is free.
YS stops for one second, but he confidently replies: Thank you. (JH is walking out.)
DongJun: (Putting his hands on YS's shoulders.) I'm sorry. Don't mind them. You know the kids at this school are very sensitive when it comes to those trials. This is not a Police University in name only.
YS: (Looks at him and smiles, punching him.) I'm fine.

********Police University/ Martial Arts' Room
YS and his classmates are practicing Hak-kee-do. JiHoon is fighting with a classmate and he won. YS is next. They both bowed ceremonially and started fighting. Hit, hit, and they both turn around. Suddenly, YS's bat broke, the broken end penetrated JH's facemask. JiHoon took off his mask. His forehead is bleeding.

******Police University/ Emergency Room
YS waited outside, looking worried. JH came out and YS stood up.
JH: I've practiced Hak-kee-do for 7 years already, and I never saw the bat broke before. Do you know why it broke? Because there is mortal poison in your hands.

*******Police University/ Dorm
YS sat in front of his desk, looking at his hands.
*JH's voice: Do you know why it broke? This is because there is mortal poison in your hands.
DongJun entered the room, "Go outside, your brother came to visit you."

*******Small Bar/ near the Police University
SY and YS are both seated around a small table. YS is wearing his police uniform. SY fills up 2 mugs with beer.
SY: Drink. (Looking around) Well, this is our first drink together as brothers. Should we have gone somewhere nicer? (He drank) Why don't you drink?
YS: I shouldn't be drinking right now.
SY: (Laughing) Really? Don't tell me it's cuz you don't know how to drink. If it is so, I should question if you have a penis. (He continued drinking) I'm tired of beer. (To the waiter further down) Hey, bring me a whisky! (Screamed) Bring me a whisky, you mother F$%^!!!
Waiter: (Alarmed) Yes... Sir...
SY: (Looking closely at YS) Looking at you, I could tell that you could break many women's hearts. Have you slept with one yet? (YS looked up) Are you blushing? Hee hee... Here, have a cigar.
YS: I'm OK. (He drank water instead)
SY: All right, I know, you're not too happy to see me. Honestly speaking, I am unsure how I feel about you neither, with your pretty looks and all. But Father ordered me to visit you once a week. That's why I came. And he wanted me to ask you if you needed anything.
YS: There is one thing.
SY: What is it?
YS: I'm a star at the school. There is no one here who doesn't know me.
SY: (Laughing) Really? Good, that's how it should be, if you are my brother. What kind of a star are you?
YS: As your brother and... as our father's son. (SY stops laughing) Please, just leave me alone. That's all I ask. (He stood up to go.)
SY: (Stopped YS) I'm your Hyung. Are you so ashamed that I came?
YS: This is a Police University. I just want to graduate. That's all. I'm going.

********Dark Mansion
JMS is coughing pretty hard. JaeSik called the doctor.
Doc: He needs to go to the Hospital.
JS: He won't go. We'll bring anything you need right here and we'll take care of him here.
Doc: He is not complaining because he is very strong, but his liver and other organs are messed up. He must have become sick during his prison stay.

*******Dark Mansion/ MS's Room
MS is laying down with his eyes closed.
MS: Where is SY?
JS: He's coming.
MS: Lately I've been thinking, if something bad happens to me, what's going to happen with our "family"? Regardless of what people say, it's a 40-year-old clan.
JS: You have an heir.
MS: SY? No, he can't do it. He won't be able to take care of all the businesses and keep the family united. He has no such ability. This is my biggest worry. But luckily, yes, very luckily, the younger kid has potentials. What do you think?
JS: Yes, but...
MS: The Police University? That should be no problem. Whose son is he? Find out when is his next break and bring him here.
JS: Yes, Sir.

*******Dark Mansion/ Living Room
SY came in. "What's up with Father?"
BangKe: He just fell asleep.
* MS's Room
SY is watching his father sleep. Talking to himself, "No matter what you tell me father, we won't be hit on the back anymore. Why should we? We have everything we want. If they hit us, I'll hit back. Eye for an eye."
Sado brings food on a tray.
SY: Sado, find out something for me.

*******Small Town's Beauty Parlor
Beautician: (To SuHwa as she treats her face.) You are really pretty, you know?
SH: Do you think I stand a choice?
B: Tomorrow?
SH: Yes.
B: ... If judges were fair, you should be #1. But that's not reality. They're all pre-arranged. I guess by now, they already know who the winners are.

********Manbo's House
Manbo is comforting SH, who is crying, "What if you don't win? Everyone in ChangChun knows you're pretty."
SH: Don't you see? That's the only way I could go to Seoul.
Mb: Is it because of YS?
SH: He has nothing to do with it. Don't even mention his name. I just want to leave this place. (She made up her mind.) I won't give up.

*********Ko KanSoo's Office
KS: (To SH) Have a seat. (SH remained standing) Don't be afraid. Tell me what you want.
SH: How much are you willing to help me? I registered for the "Beauty Parlor." I want to be #1.

*********University Campus/ Student's Office
HJ is running, holding lots of books. "Sorry I'm late..."
Sunbae: Don't do that again!
HJ opened up her lab-top and checked her e-mails. InSu is on the desk behind her, working with his computer.
*You've got mail: It's from InSu. "Open your desk and you'll see two tickets. There's a movie festival this weekend. You can watch all the movies you want all night long. Raise your right hand if you're going. Otherwise, raise both hands."
HJ is playing with her hands, and raises... her right hand. InSu closed his fist as a sign of victory.

******SJae's House
SJae is packing up to go on a trip.
Sj: Are you sure you want to go by yourself? I could miss few classes and go with you.
SJae: No thank you. I want to experience freedom and go wherever I want without planning.
Sj: You say that, but you won't do anything without planning, I know.
SJae: (Gave his son a piece of paper.) Call me if anything urgent comes up. Try not to call me though.
Sj: (Reading the piece of paper.) Wow, you really have it all planned out! Up and down the mountains...
SJae: I'll break my previous record. Goodbye.
Sj: What if the Criminal Office needs you.
SJae: Why would they? All important cases are over now. But I faxed them where I'll be, just in case.
Sj: Just like you.

******Dark Mansion
SY came in. Where is Father?
Sado: He's still sleeping.
SY: Dogs! They put a weak person in jail and made him completely sick.

********Theater House
YeJu is leading an A-cappella practice. SangYup came in with his men, holding a bunch of flowers. YJ saw him and got annoyed.
YJ: Hey Gangster!
SY: Fuc^&&!!
YJ: Don't you know anything else but to bring flowers? (SY looked at it and threw it away.) And don't you see the "Do not Smoke" sign? (Took his cigarette and tossed it away.) Besides, until when are you going to be carrying all this baggage? (She is pointing all the men.)
SY: (Frustrated) Do you always have to spoil everything? I came here with a good mood, you know? OK, I'll leave.
YJ: (Following SY.) Wait! I told you I'll buy you coffee. So if you're willing to come by yourself, follow me.

********Theatre House/ Office
YJ and SY are sitting around a huge table, a big distance separating each other.
YJ: (Drinking coffee.) Sorry. Actually today, I planned not to be critical.
SY: Are you doing this just to pay a debt?
YJ: This is a big step for me. In fact at first, you gave me nausea. Even now, whenever I see you, I get angry, no matter how hard I try not to.
SY: You like me, ain't I right?
YJ: Don't make me laugh.
SY: Why would you be angry otherwise? You said before that you have no feelings whatsoever for me. Tell me the truth. You like me, right?
YJ: Crazy. I bought you coffee out of pity, and what are you saying? Get out! (SY laughed.)

*******Small Town's Photo Studio
SuHwa won first prize at the "Beauty Contest". She is being photographed as KangSoo watched.
* Hospital
DogN and MaeJu are visiting the man they had beat up...

*********Country Roadway
Black cars are lined up, running. JMS is in the back seat of a Benz, blankets on. YS is next to him.
MS: (Gave a photo to YS) He's your grandfather. People used to say he could beat up 3 people at once on his seat. It must be just a saying, but that's how great he was. Even the Great Hirashoni respected him. When you meet him, make sure you show him your respects. (YS watches the picture carefully)

*********Country Elementary School
Black cars parked at the school. MS, SY and YS got off the car and started walking. A woman on her 50s walked towards them, wearing Korean Kimonos. She looks very dignified. Both MS and SY bowed to her respectfully. She stood still. YS didn't understand.
Lady: How come you came without notice?
MS: I'm sorry I haven't come more often. (To YS) What are you doing? Show your respects to her.
SY: She's our grandmother. (YS bowed)
Lady: You should be the new-found son. I can see strength in your face.
MS: Where is Father?
Lady: Where is he now? Just come in and wait for him. You don't look too well.
MS: (To YS.) Take a look around. This school is built by your grandfather.

********Country Elementary School/ Empty Hallway
YS walked around the schoolyard. There is a noise coming from one of the classrooms. He went inside. Down the hallway, an old man is reclining and working with his hammer. He looks like the man from the picture: Jang DoSu. YS approached him. The man turned around.
DoSu: Are you YoSuk?
YS: (Bowed) Yes... You are my grandfather?
DS: (Stood up. Looked at YS's face.) You don't look much like your father. It's a fortunate thing. (He walked towards the door, and started hammering there.) Do you know what kind of a family this is? (Bang, bang!!) I should have stopped it in my generation. I shouldn't have let this to continue. But it has passed down the generations. That's all my fault, it's all because of my sins. (Hammering, with force.)
A teenager walked down the hall with 2 children following her. YS and the girl exchange glances.
DS: I'm ashamed to say it, but she is a daughter that was born to me when I was 70 years old. She is your aunt. (They bow) (To YS) Bring me the ladder. (To Lydia) Show him where it is.

**********Elementary School/ School Yard
Sado drove in with TulBok and got off his car.
BangKe: What are you doing here?
SY: I called them. Come in!

*********Elementary School/ Outside an isolated Room.
SangYup takes Sado and TulBok there.
Sado: (Looks around to make sure no one is there and gives him a little piece of paper.) Tonight at 2 a.m.
SY: Are you sure of this?
Sado: Yes, he will be hiking overnight.
SY: You're sending new faces?
Sado: Just brought them from the streets.
SY: If you make a mistake, you're dead.
Sado: I know... But the target is Ki SungJae. Will it be OK?
SY: Just follow instructions. As long as you don't get caught, it's fine. We have to show them that if they hit us, we won't be quiet. Just go now.
Sado and TulBok left in a hurry. SangYup crumbles the little piece of paper and throws it on the floor with his cigar. Someone comes out from the inside of the isolated room: Lydia. She took the piece of paper from the floor and brought it inside. YoSuk was there, standing next to the ladder...

*******SJae's House
HJ's cell phone rang. HaeJun ran to the living room to get it.
Sj: Who's calling at this hour?
HJ: It must be InSu. We're going to the movie festival and do overnighters there. (Picked up.) Hello... (Her facial expression changed.) Yes... I'll leave now.
Sj: What kind of phone conversation is that?
HJ: It's InSu... (She ran out.)

*******Street/ near SJae's House
YS waited outside, and HJ came running.
YS: (He is in a hurry.) Where is your father going tonight? Do you know where he'll be hiking?
HJ: Why?

*******Highway/ Inside Sj's car
YS is driving Sj's car with HaeJun seated next to him. InSu is driving the opposite way, and saw them both...

*******Mountain Hill
YS and HJ are quietly watching for any travellers around. They saw a pair of gangsters and they hid.
YS: (Whispering.) That's them. Wait here.
He walked toward the two surprised gangsters and he hit them with his fist, and kicked back and forth, threw them unconsciously to the ground. HJ came to see YS, whose face is bleeding. At that moment, SJae walked by. YS held HJ's hands and ran to a hiding place. They both watch SJae climb up the hill without suspecting anything. They feel the mutual closeness, facing each other, and they feel shy about it. HaeJun touched the blood running in YS's face.

Barefooted Youth: Episode 8

*******HJ is in the Drug Store buying ointment and gause and is walked back and forth in a hurry, looking outside, while making sure YS is still in the car.

*******Inside Sj's Car
HaeJun is wiping the blood off YS's face. YS tried to tell her it's OK and wanted to leave. HJ gently held his face and continued wiping.

*******Dark Mansion/ Basement
Sado and TulBok are on their knees, their faces bruised and inflamed. They are being punished and questioned by BangKe. "What happened? You better tell me!"

*******Outside the Dark Mansion
YS: Just drop me off here. (He got off Sj's car.) You should leave now.
HJ didn't move. YS walked away, but turned around and came back.
YS: This is near my house. It's not safe if others see you. Just go. Good night! (HJ nodded her head as if saying: "Yes.")

*******Dark Mansion/ Living Room
Sado and TulBok are standing on the side, with their "failed mission" written on their faces. JaeSik is listening to the conversation, trying not to intervene.
BangKe: (To SY) If the Big Boss finds out, he'll be really upset.
SY: That means we cannot respond when they hit us? Even dogs fight back. And they harmed Father. I cannot forgive that.
BK: But you tried to hit Prosecutor Ki. You can't do a thing like that and act as if nothing happened! Think of the consequences!
JS: (Couldn't stand BK’s tone of voice) Since when do you know so much? Who are you trying to teach, Mr. Jang SangYup? Just get out of here!
MS: (Came out of his room) That's not necessary.
SY and JS stood up in sign of respect, startled. YS entered the room from the outside. MS walked toward SY and slapped him. Once, twice... He tries to slap SY again but JS stops him. SY leaves the room in a hurry, humilliated, bumping into YS on his way out.
MS: (To YS.) You came? That guy is your brother. He is like that. (To JS.) Give him his school uniform.

*********Outside the Dark Mansion/ Dawn
YS walked in his Police Uniform. He discovered Sj's car, and stopped. He looked at HJ sleeping inside the car. Morning due surrounded them. HJ woke up and cleared the fog in her window. See could see YS's face through it.

*********Roadway/ Inside Sj's Car
YS is driving and HJ is sleeping, next to him.

*********In front of a Law Firm Building
Sj: (Approaching Lawyer Suh) Good morning. I remember one of my professors mentioned you before. He said that at the beginning he thought you were some kind of prodigy, but you turned out to be the devil.
LS: I just did my job.
Sj: To set criminals free?
LS: Criminals? They were declared innocent by the Law.
Sj: Innocent? Those gangsters? Who knows what other felonies they have committed?
LS: You belong to a family of Prosecutors? If you're so curious, why don't you find that out later yourself?

********Dark Mansion/ MS's Room
MS is lying on his bed with his eyes closed. A nurse is attending him.
MS: SY didn't come back yet?
JS: Sir, I think you should forgive him first. It's been already 5 days. You should at least call him?
MS: What a fool! Give me a cigarette!
Nurse: You cannot smoke now...
JS: No one tells Mr. Jang what he can or cannot do. (He lighted up a cigar for MS.)
MS: Whenever I think of him I have many regrets. I spoiled him too much.

*********Billiard Room
SY seemed to be waiting for someone. He looks at his watch. He's getting tired of waiting. He got up and prepared to hit the billiard ball. Someone came and grabbed the ball: it's Lawyer Suh.
LS: This time I came since 'tis the first time. Next time, if you need me, you come to me. Understand?
SY: If you are someone else, by now, your teeth would be broken.
LS: (Laughing) Then I could take all your fortune away, or give you at least 3 years in jail.
SY: ... Now that I think about it, we speak similar language. Don't you think so?
LS: Really?
SY: My father said I'm trash, but I think you are also.
LS: Think as you will.
SY: Let me be frank with you. I need your help. I lack a little of this (pointing at his brain) but I think you have enough.
LS: Why me?
SY: Because we are similar. That's all.
Lawyer Suh left without saying any words, but he had given his secret contact # to Sado beforehand.

*********Police University/ Dorm
YS sat in front of his lab-top. DongJun brought 2 cans of juices and gave one to YS.
DJ: People say JiHoon will graduate first in the class and get the highest position. He already got an extra promotion, and a "leave of honor." (YS smiled.) People talked about you too. (YS stopped smiling.) They say it'll be hard that you graduate.
YS: What do you think?
DJ: I'm not sure. But surely I wouldn't like to be in your shoes.

*********University Campus/ Student's Office
HJ is in front of her lab-top, looking far, thinking. Sunbae 2 is seated towards her far right, smoking and working with his computer.
HJ: (Looking at the smoke) Is that good?
S2: Of course it's good.
HJ: Can I try it?
S2: Here.
He slid down the cigarette box toward her direction. HJ took one out of the box and tried to light it up. InSu came in and took the cigarette from her hands.
IS: You're teaching her a very good thing Hyung! If she tried this once, she'll be hooked.
S2: If she could have a taste of life, she could give up a little health, don't you think so? (S2 continued working.) Now, get out of my sight! Everyone knows you two are dating!
lS: ???

********University Campus/ Empty Auditorium
HJ sat on a bench on top of the Stage. IS is sitting in the Audience seat down below, facing her. Silence.
HJ: Why don't you say anything?
IS: I'm looking at you. Should I say anything?
HJ: That day, when I couldn't make it... Thank you.
IS: For what?
HJ: That you lied to Oppa saying I was with you watching movies all night.
IS: Can I ask you who he is? Do you like him a lot? (There is no answer) Let's go, I'll take you home.
HJ: InSu, I'll tell you if you want to hear. I like him. Actually, I like him a lot.

********Police University/ Dorm
YS and his roommates are studying. Sunbae broke into the room with a thunder: "Stand up all of you!" All four are in standing position.
Sunbae: I'll ask you one thing. Be honest if you are real policemen. I found this (He showed them the end of a burned cigarette) down the hall. Whose is this? (YS looked around his companions.) This is still warm. There are 2 people in the other room and 3 from this room who walked down this hall during this past 30 minutes. Now tell me: Whose is this? (JH looked scared and YS caught that look.) You won't confess? Where did your honor go?
YS: It was I. (JH looked surprised.)
Sunbae: So it was you. You don't know the rules? Come tomorrow morning to the gym! (He turned around, and started leaving.)
JH: Sunbae, wait! It was I. Jang YoSuk, who asked you to intervene?
Sunbae: (Looking from one to the other.) What the heck do you think you're doing? Are you playing with me?
JH: I'm sorry. I'll give up my leave of honor.
Sunbae: No question about it! And you two, come to the gym in the morning!

********Police University/ Gym
YS and JH are running around the Gym, under the rain and the watchful eyes of Sunbae.
YS: You didn't have to give up your leave of honor just for this.
JH: That's none of your business.
YS: Because I'm a gangster's son? Your pride is hurt?
IS: Now you know. (Ran faster.)
Sunbae: From today until the season is over, run 20 rounds every morning!

********Ko KangSoo's Office
KangSoo is feeding sushi to DogN and MaeJu, that they may have a taste of "sophistication and wealth." They don't like it. "Listen carefully! We're going to Seoul, and I have a place to stay in there. Don't be afraid now..."

*******Manbo's House
SuHwa is getting ready to go. Mb is sad.
SH: KangSoo promised to take care of me until I succeed. I'll be introduced to modeling agencies and movie producers.
Mb: Just promise me you won't be deceived. Don't trust anyone.

*******Inside SY's car
SY: (On the passenger's seat, on the phone.) So Father didn't say anything about me? He doesn't ask for me? (He hang up frustrated.)
SY: (To Sado) Stop the car! (Sado stopped.) Get off the car!
Sd: Right here?
SY: Get off now!!! (He drove away.)

********Theater House
YJ is playing the piano all by herself. SY came in.
YJ: What are you doing this late? Well, gangsters work at night, so this should be your starting time?
Toy Robot: Drop your weapons, bang bang bang!!! (Walked, turned and shot the lightings.) Drop your weapons!!! (YJ held it and turned it off.)
SY: I always carry this in my car. I earned my first salary when I was 15. I bought this with the money. Father scolded me, "A toy at your age?" He never bought me any toy. At elementary, I was the one who cursed the most. All friends I ever knew were huge and all I learnt from them was cursing and beating up people. You're right, I'm that kind of a person. Born a gangster. (Laughing at himself.) YJ, I found a new brother. His mom was the famous actress Han SoonIm. I don't know if we look alike or not, but he seems smarter than me. Father thinks so too. He is a happy guy. At least he knows who his mother is. I don't even know who my mother is. Some say she ran away when father was in prison. Others say she was a hooker so father just took me away from her. (He laughed, containing tears.)
YJ: (She is touched, and is trying not to cry.) What are you trying to do? Are you trying to make me cry? (Hugged him.) If you're acting this out, I'll kill you.

*********Prosecutor's Office
SJae is showing the office to Sj. "10 years behind that desk. I have many regrets. My greatest regret is that I have let criminals slide out of my hands. My time is up. From now on, you must take the leadership. And some day, this will be your office. When that time comes, don't run away like I did.

********KangSoo's Office
KS, DogN and MaeJu are making the final arrangements. SH came to greet them. They tell her to wait one more day so that she could go with them, but she said her aunt is waiting for her in Seoul already.
KS: I already spoke with the movie director. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you.
DogN: And don't you forget whom you owed all these.
* Once outside, SH unfolded the address of Police University, and dreamily smiled.

*********Police University/ Gym
YS and JH are running around the gym. Sunbae 2 comes to them: YS, your girlfriend is here.

********Police University/ At the Gates
HaeJun is waiting, umbrella on. YS came out wearing Police Uniform, and smiled to her.

********Country Road & Valley/ near the Police University
HJ and YS are walking next to each other, closer than before, smiling at each other. As they walked down the road, a bus passed by. HJ tried to move away but YS held her hands and pushed her to his side. Inside the bus, SuHwa is seated all the way in the back, still day-dreaming.

*******Small Café/ near the Police University
YS and HJ are sitting around a small rounded table.
HJ: I know you're having hard time at school. I saw you being punished just now.
YS: (Playfully smiling) Oh, that? I was elected representative of Freshmen for the Marathon. So I am practicing.
HJ: Marathon is in the Fall.
YS: Really? Have I practiced in vain?
HJ: (She holds a red votive candle to YS's face) I want to see the face of a person who lies like that.
YS: Don't worry. I'm hanging in there. What time is it?
HJ: 9:00 p.m.
YS: We must get going. It's 30 minutes before the bell.
HJ: What if we're late?
YS: It's fine.

********Police University/ At the Gates
SuHwa is waiting at the Gates. It's dark and raining. A red car stopped nearby and YS came out. SH happily tried to run to him, but she saw him walking to the driver's side where HJ is. HJ wanted to give him the umbrella but he rejected it. They both greet good night. YS entered the University and walked away.
SH: (She came out from her hiding and she cried) YoSuk... (Really loud) YoooSuKK!!! YS turned around but he didn't see anything. KyungSoo is entering the gates and saw YS standing there, looking for something. "Let's go, we only have 5 minutes left."

********Dark Mansion/ MS's Room
MS: (To JS.) Hold me up. I need to get out of this bed. I'm strong enough. And call Ki SungJae. Tell him I want to meet him.

********Japanese Restaurant
MS: (Welcoming SJae) Thank you for coming.
SJae: (Sat down) I heard your health is not good.
MS: Are you telling me I need to retire?
SJae: When it's time, one should.
MS: I always played hide and seek with you. I'm very tired. So I really want to retire.
SJae: Is that true?
MS: Yes, and I want to ask you to let us end all our differences in between us.
SJae: What do you mean?
MS: Mr. Prosecutor? I would like to ask you to return to me all the documents you have pertaining on our 40-year-old clan.
SJae: To give up those documents?
MS: What will you do by passing them over to your son? Mr. Prosecutor, as a man of Law I know it's not easy. But think about it. Peace won't be restored by us leaving. Others will come and take our place. In that case, we should try to avoid the worst kind of gangs. I can assure you, I'm not the worst type.
SJae: Should I help crime to continue to avoid a worse crime? That's not my style.
MS: I'm not just asking you for a free gift. If you're not working for the government, you should open up your own firm. You'll need money for that, which I could provide in plenty.
SJae: I'll make myself clear. The only way we could be friends is by you giving up all your gangs and become a normal citizen. Otherwise, our war will continue. I shall leave now.

********Isolated Place/ Riverside
MS is meditating and JS approaches him.
MS: We must get rid off Ki SungJae.

To be Continue...

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