
Barefooted Youth : Episode 5-6

Barefooted Youth: Episode 5

*******Hospital: Waiting Lobby
Empty chairs are all lined up against the wall. YS is seated by himself, in deep thoughts. Further down the hall, gangsters are walking back and forth, waiting...
**YS's Flashback
*SJae: ... ! (Pause.) No, it is true that I've loved your mother. She was very special to me. But no, I'm not your father.
*JaeSik: Your mother didn't tell you anything about your father? (No answer.) I guess not. That's why your last name is Han.
MyungSuk: Is your mother Han SoonIm? ( ... )They'd hit you hard. (Looked away, threw a pair of black gloves at him.)
YS is adjusting the gloves, walking towards the gangsters. He walked to the center and hit. Kick, kick and flew, they went down to the floor.
MS: (Turning slowly to look at YS's face again.) Do you think we look alike? (YoSuk just looks down.) I think I could see some resemblance.
**Back at the Hospital
YS closed his eyes and bit his lips. SY came and seated with the gangsters.

******Hospital Lab
Blood in test tubes are being analyzed at full speed.

******Waiting Lobby
YS continued thinking, arms crossed, eyes closed. A nurse calls him but he doesn't respond. SangYup went in instead, and came back holding some documents.
SY: (Threw the papers at YS.) They say you are my brother...
YS didn’t react. SY started laughing to himself, and left.

******University Campus
HaeJun asked Insu to look for information regarding Han SoonIm. "Why do you want to find out about an old fashioned movie star?"
HJ: Just tell me if you can... Look for everything.

******Law Firm
Soongjun is waiting, listening to the conversation that is going on in front of him.
Lawyer Suh: Can you tell me why you wouldn't work with me anymore?
Attorney in Charge: Do I need to? For you, law is just a toy in the hands of the devil. I'm ashamed of having worked with you for 2 years.
LS: We're supposed to win trials, and I win. What's wrong with that?
AC: You're a thief!
Lawyer Suh leaves and AC welcomes Ki SoongJun as the new associate...

*****University Campus
Insu: Look at this. (Opened his lab-top, and showed HaeJun that about 20 years ago, there was a love scandal concerning Han SoonIm and a certain prosecutor whose last name started with K.) This could mean Kim, Kang, Kwon, Kwak... (Looking at her) and Ki also. (HJ is horrified.)

*****Small Dining Room
Sj: I must go in 20 minutes. But did you come all the way here just to ask me that? (HJ does not answer.) Ok, let's say it's true. But that happened 20 years ago. We shouldn't bother father with that, we don't have the right to.
HJ: It was true then...
Sj: Our father is human too. He makes mistakes. But changing subjects, last time when you asked me to go to ski, there was a reason behind, right? The guy you met worked at the Night Club then. You're a college student. I don't want to tell you what to do with your personal life. But there are people that match and those that don't.
HJ: (Thinking) You don't think we match?
Sj: I don't think so.

*****Prosecutor's Office
Officer Yoo excitedly tells SJae that JMS got a parking violation one hour before the crime, and only 15 km from the crime scene. "The amazing thing is that the traffic police remembers the circumstances and even who is behind the wheels."

******Interview Room
Jo JaeSik is inside. From the outside, through the mirror, SJae and Yoo are observing.
SJae: The entire mafia is run by JMS and JJS. If those two are out, how long do you think the powerful clan would last?

******Country Highway
Four cars are lined up, with SangYup and YoSuk on the passengers seat, next to each other. SY is filing his nails. YS is looking outside.
Voice of SJae: A son is left, but JSY doesn't have the power to control the entire mafia. If our plans work out, and these two are arrested, it won't be too long before the 40-year-old clan disappears. We are doing a meaningful thing here. ******By the Lake/ Prosecutor's Office
Cars stop in the countryside. SY and YS got off the car and walk towards MS, who is fishing. MS didn't look up.
SY: Father...
The hand-phone rang and BangKe gave it to MS.
SJae: Where are you?
MS: You know well I cannot tell you (laughed dryly). The reason I called is to ask you to give me 48 hrs. After that, I'll turn myself in. But don't look for me before. If you promise me that, I will also do as I promise.
SJae: OK, I promise. (He hang up.)
Officer Yoo: What if he fled to Japan?
SJae: This is JMS. He has stayed on the top for 20 years. Trust his words.

******By the Lake
MS is touching his fishing equipment. SY and YS are still standing, waiting.
MS: (To YS.) Where your mom's tomb?
YS: (Looks... ) It's in ChungChan.
Cars are lined up... and go!

*******KangSoo's Office
KS: What did you say?
MaeJu: Mr. Jang is here. I saw him.
DogN: Yes, I saw him too.
KS: (To MJ.) Are you talking about Mr. Jang from Seoul? Why would he come here?
DogN: How would he know?
MJ: But do you know who's coming with them?

******Bowling Alley
Manbo ran to tell SuHwa: "YS is here..."

******SoonIm's Tombstone
There is a mat on the ground and YoSuk is bowing to his mother. SangYup is standing on the side, not knowing what to do. MS poured some liquor onto the tomb. He touched his eyes (like wiping tears) and threw the bottle at the tomb in anger.
MS: What a Bi #$% tch!!! Your mother didn't say a word about me? Not even once?

******Beyond the Tombstone
SY is playing with the grass and YS is just looking far.
MS: Come here! (SY came to MS. YS didn't move.) You too! (YS came.) In Chicago, during the 30's, there was a pair of brothers called Galeano. They didn't have followers nor money but not even Al Capone could touch them. You know why? They both bonded together so much, no one could come in between them. Give me your hands. (They hold hands.) You are brothers. Remember that. I might not be with you for a while. The two of you must take charge and keep things running together. (Looking at YS.) You too. You should follow your older brother and learn from him. You guys have to be united in order to survive. Do you know?
YS: On March... I will go to the college dorms. (Both MS and SY looked surprised.)
MS: Really? Which School?
YS: (Softly) The police University. (They cannot believe their ears.)
MS: What did you say?
YS: (Louder) Police University.
SY tried to containa laughter but finally cracked up. "Ahhhh, Father!!! Did you hear? Ha haa hha!"
MS: Stop it! (Looking at YS) They said it's hard to get in. You must have studied hard. (Walked away.)
SY: (Laughing.) Police University, hee hee.
YS is just standing there.

******Country Roadway
KangSoo and his "pair" tries to go to JMS, but BangKe and others stand in their way and beat them up. KS got really upset. "I just came to greet Mr. Jang!"
KS sees YS going inside a car. To himself: "I won't forget this humiliation. And you, Han YoSuk, I don't know what you're doing there, but you'll be dead soon."
SuHwa comes riding her bike and sees YS passing by inside a car. Sadly, "YoSuk..."

******Outside Dark Mansion
MS and YS are outside by themselves.
MS: By now, you should know what I do for a living.
YS: Yes, I do.
MS: I've no education, all I trust is this fist of mine. Among our family, you are the first to enter college. Are you disappointed?
YS: I'm not sure...
MS: Even if you are, there's nothing we can do. As long as you are my son, you must be one with our "family." Give up college.
YS: Yes?
MS: A policeman from the mafia? Even dogs would laugh. Your belongings are inside. Go get some rest.
YS didn't move. Soon after, he walked out of the mansion with his bag.

******Inside Dark Mansion
BangKe: (To MS.) Should I stop him?
MS: Where did he say he's going?
BK: He didn't say.
MS: Just leave him alone, until he comes on his own. Where is Lawyer Suh by the way? Why is he this late?

******Dark Mansion, again
MS: (To Lawyer Suh.) I'll pay you double. Don't worry about money.
Lawyer Suh: You told me last time that you'll kill me the next time you see me. But you called me all the same. There's no one else who could help you. (Leaving.) By the way, when you go to the police tomorrow, don't you take those baggage with you. (Pointing at the gangsters.)

******A Field covered entirely with Snow
YoSuk is standing in the middle of the field. All white surrounded him. There is a wide horizon before him, with his shadow stretching forth... Which way should he go? Which path should he take? And he remembers…

**Snowy Field
SoonIm is singing and little YS is drawing on the snow.
SI: What are you drawing?
YS: A person's face.
SI: Whose? Mom's?
YS: No, Daddy's.
SI: (Holding his hand.) Why don't you ever ask me about your daddy?
YS: He's dead.
SI: Who said that?
YS: Grandma.
SI: (Sighing) Yes, that's right. Long, long time ago, there was someone I loved very much. He was a good man. He would arrest bad guys and put them in prison. (Looking at YS) So I wish that when you grow up, you would be a responsible man like him. Promise me.
**YoSuk is thinking. Lonely footsteps are printed in the snow.

*******Night Café
Musician: Hey, where have you been?
YS: (Innocently) I thought you couldn't go on without me. But you're fine. I'm a bit disappointed.
M: Stop talking nonsense and tell me what happened.
YS: Hyung, I haven't eaten all day. Give me something to eat first.
M: (Laughing) Sungmin, go and get some hamburgers.
YS: Sungmin, get me a double burger. I feel like I could eat 100 of them.
M: I got 100 phone calls looking for you.
YS: Me? Who?
M: I think it's from that girl that came last time. She asked me to make sure you call her. What's going on?
YS smiled, as if saying "no big deal." He adjusts the guitar, but stopped and sat down, touched his eyes with his hands.
M: You haven't slept? Go get some rest.

******Sleeping Room
YS is sleeping. Phone rang.
YS: (Tired) Hello...
HaeJun: Hello. I've called several times before, but did you find any information about YS?
YS: (Waking up completely.) HaeJun?
HJ: YoSuk?

******Skiing Resort/ Empty Swimming Pool
YS is waiting, seated. HaeJun came in, running. YS stood up, and they saw each other. They are far from each other, and they start walking around the pool, each one at the opposite ends of it, afraid to get closer.
HJ: I know your mother is the famous Han SoonIm. My father liked your mother a lot... No, he loved her. Back then, he only wrote about her in his diary.
YS: I know...
HJ: Then, what is our relationship? Do we need to have our blood tested? In other words...
YS: Are you asking if we have the same father?
HJ: ...
YS: At first, I thought so too.
HJ: (Opening her eyes.) That means he's not your father? Really? (YS nodded, and smiled.)
HJ: (Relieved.) Do you know how worried I was?
YS: You were afraid to have a half brother like me?
HJ: I better go. I stole my brother's car. He has a temper, you know? (Turning toward YS.) Why did I worry? I thought I am starting to like my own brother... that would be a tragedy. (Threw her pager at him. YS caught hold of it.) Don't give it back to me this time! (Ran away.)
YS is watching attentively as HJ walks away, looking at her disappear in the shadow of the night... He looks down at the beeper in his hand


Barefooted Youth: Episode 6

******Dark Mansion
Everyone is saying farewell to JMS. He puts on his overcoat, "Let's go."
SangYup is containing his tears. MS held SY's hands and shoke him on the shoulders. He left.

*******Street/ Inside the Car
JMS is on the back-seat with Lawyer Suh. They depart.
YoSuk is standing at the sidewalk as MS's car came by. The car stopped, the window went down.
YS: Let me go with you.
MS: Do you know where I'm going?
YS: Yes.
MS: Thank you. Hop in. (YS sits next to the driver in the front seat.) What are your plans?
YS: Mr. Jang...
MS: I'm not Mr. Jang. I'm your father.
YS: ... Father and I have different paths. I won't give up the Police University.
MS: You know where I'm going and you're saying that?
YS: Yes.
MS: Let's say in the future, after you become a policeman, your brother is arrested?
YS: I will do my duty as a policeman.
MS: (Laughing) Lawyer Suh, what do you think? Isn't he amazing? Of course, he is my own blood. He should be like this. Let's hurry, I promised I'll be there by 3 p.m.

********Street of Seoul
HaeJun is getting ready to have a meal with a friend. There is a big screen in front of a building and news is showing. She stopped and listened. JMS has turned himself in, and YoSuk was behind him.

*********Interview Room
MS: (To SJae.) This is the 3rd. time we meet here.
SJae: And the last.
MS: You're thinking to put me in jail for at least... 10 years?
Yoo: Let's start.
MS: I've found another son. His mother is Han SoonIm.
SJae: I know. (They stare at one another)

*********Night Café
YS is playing the guitar with the rest of the band while people are dancing. SY came in with Sado. He didn’t look too happy, and signaled. Sado brought YS in, while SY is seated.
SY: The little brother of JSY is playing guitar in this cheap night club? (To Sado.) Give me that. (Gave a piece of paper to YS.) Read it. (YS read it.) From now on, you're no longer Han YoSuk, but Jang YoSuk. (They just looked at each other.)
The Cafe's owner ran to SY and bowed to him, "Mr. Jang, what has brought you here? Permit me to greet you."
SY: You're in charge here?
Owner: Yes, Sir. I belong to BaekSoo's band.
SY: Yoo BaekSoo? (Cracking up.) I see he has extended his territory. (Pointing at YS with his head.) Take good care of him. If you touch one hair of him, you're dead.
The owner is shaking, looking at YS with fear. YS didn’t show any expression.
SY: You're not coming in? No matter what, you are part of our family. (Was leaving, but turns back.) Ah, I went to visit our father yesterday, and he said that he thinks having a policeman among our family members may be beneficial for us. When are you starting school?
YS looks up: ...?

********Police University/ Opening Ceremony
There are lots of people in police uniform, lined up at the Auditorium. There is a national Hymn being played with trumpets by the Police Band. Parents are entering the auditorium carrying flowers.
Black cars are driving thru. SY and his men get out of the cars, carrying flowers. They entered the school, in view of all the Faculty members, students, and family members. Unbelieving eyes are staring at the gangsters. YoSuk closed his eyes and touched his police cap. SY greeted YS, who didn't even look. Other students noticed.

********Outside Professor Park's Office
YS is standing there, thinking.

**Prof. Voice: Don't you know what kind of place this is? How we value honor and dignity, especially on this day? How could such gangsters come and dirty this place like that? (Flash back of SY and his men entering the auditorium.) This is going to be recorded as the most shameful day of the history of this University.
Prof. Park: (Came out of the office and saw YS.) Why are you standing there like that? Don't you have anything better to do?
YS: (Looking down.) What should I do?
PP: The best thing to do would be that you realize you don't belong to this University and that you quit. (Laughing and walking away) But you're not thinking to do that. Are you going to continue standing like that? In 10 minutes, there's a class.

********Interview Room
SJae lighted a cigarette to MS, "Tomorrow there's the trial. It's not your first time so you know the proceedings."
MS: How many years are you planning to give me? 10 years? No? More?
SJae: Have you read the news?
MS: How would I understand the writing of intellectuals?
SJae: Read anyway and make sure there's no mistakes. From now on, Prosecutor Kong will take charge of the case.
MS: But you will be there also. Where should I put my fingerprints? (Stamping) Ah, your son must be taking the internship by now. My younger son is studying at the Police University. He seems to be smart. He was among the top 5 of his class. (Smoking.) I don't think he inherited the intelligence from me. I think it's more from his mother's side.
SJae: I'll see you in court.

**********Police University/ Dorm
Wake up call. DongJun and KyungSoo wakes up first. YoSuk and JiHoon hurries up and stumble on their way. They stare at each other. They all start making up their beds.
They line up outside, waiting for Sunbae to check the room. Sunbae is walking down the hall, checking other rooms. It's a smooth and fast process. He passed by YS's room, but he stopped, remembering.
Sunbae: Are you the Opening Day Star? (No answer. He went in, looked for YS's bed, and threw the blanket out.) Whose bed is this?!
YS: Freshman, Han YoSuk!
S: Han YoSuk? (Hitting his name tag.) Do you tend to forget your last name? Your room is a mess. Come to the gym after class.

*********Police University/ Gym.
YS is running around the Gym. Sunbae is watching him and stopped him.
S: Wouldn't you think of quitting for our school's honor?
YS: For our school's honor, I will stay.
S: Really? What is honor?
YS: This is respecting the decision of a student to become an honorable policeman.
S: Do you think that the son of a gangster can become an honorable policeman?
YS: I... am not a gangster.
S: What did you say?
YS: (Louder) I am not a gangster! (Continues running)

***********Night Club Bar
BangKe and his men are lined up, while Sado is counting the money. SY is drinking.
Sado: There is a constant and undocumented 20% loss.
SY: (To BK.) What's going on?
BK: In this kind of business, there are many spending we did not document. Such as extra payrolls, and payment for services.
SY: Yeah? Should I trust that? Your stomach is big.
BK: Mr. Jang...
SY: All right, we'll just leave it at that. But from now on, you (Sado) take care of the accounting here.
BK: You shouldn't do this.
SY: What?
BK: Not even the Big Boss would be this nosy.
SY: My father and I are different. If I'm in charge, I won't tolerate this kind of discrepancies. This is also business. If you're going to run it like this, you will always be called a gangster.
Later, BK drinks beer directly from a big bowl. Sarcastically to Sado, "Take good care of Mr. Jang. (He splashes beer.) I miss the Big Boss!"

**********SJae's House
SJae is reading the newspaper.
HJ: (Entering.) You really are an early bird! (Massaging him.) When did you wake up? Do you want some juice?
SJae: Yes, thank you.
HJ saw the picture of JMS and half of YS's face on the newspaper. She froze.
SJae: What's wrong?
HJ: Nothing.
Sj comes in greeting, wearing informal clothes.
SJae: Interns are also public workers. You should learn to wear properly.
Sj: People call me old fashioned.
SJae: Aren't you from a family of Prosecutors? That means you have to be an example in everything.
Sj: All right, I'll change.
HJ brought a tray of juices.
Sj: One is mine?
HJ: Dad first. Daddy... (Froze again, looking at the Paper.)
Sj: Wow, finally he's arrested! How do you feel? Are you confident? It's not going to be easy.
SJae: Aren't you busy now?
Sj: (Taking the newspaper.) I could take this? Don't finish all the work in your generation. Leave me something to do also.
SJae: Arrogant! Leave your car! An intern with car?
Sj sighed, and gave his car keys to HJ. HJ took the car keys thoughtfully.

********Street/ Inside the Car
HJ slowly drives through the Light Café. Stops, looking sadly.

********University Campus
Insu brings his labtop and shows HJ what he found.
IS: I'll show you something interesting. I was looking into Han SoonIm's files, and I found this. Do you know who her 2nd lover was? Jang MyungSuk. You saw him in the news today? Also, JMS's father Jand DoSu was also a gangster and went to jail. Do you know who was the Prosecutor then? Your grandfather.
HJ: Grandpa...?
IS: Isn't it fun? Your grandfather puts JDS in jail, your father puts JMS. (HJ looks unhappy.) Where are you going?
HJ: I have class.
IS: After that?
HJ: Don't ask me for coffee. I don't feel well.

**********Sungjun's office / YoSuk's University
*Sj is taking a seminar with his colleagues.
*YS is marching with the rest of police students.
*Sj is studying intensely, raising hands.
*YS is learning English with his classmates.
*YS is practicing martial arts.

**********Police University/ Dorm
YS came in and sat down. There is a newspaper in front of his desk, showing the report about JMS. Looks at JiHoon.
YS: Should I thank you for this?
JH: It's your father. I thought you wanted to know.
YS: I know you don't like me.
JH: You must also know why.
YS: I chose the Police University. The rest... is not my choice.
JH: You didn't choose it so I shouldn't say anything? How can you say that? I feel uncomfortable with you. Why? Whenever I mention criminals like him I call them by their first names, but I can't do that in front of you because he is your father. I never disliked you personally. But my pride is hurt. (He left the room.)
DongJun and KyungSoo comfort YoSuk, "You have to understand him. He thinks our school is the best of the world."

*********Police University/ Gym. stairs
YoSuk sat by himself, in the dark.
*Voice of JMS: By now, you should know what I do for a living... As long as you are my son, you must be one with our "family." Give up college.
YS started walking. DongJun came running with a beeper in his hand. "YS, is this yours? It's been beeping for a while." YS looked at it, and started running toward the exit. He saw HaeJun's car with the lights on.
Sunbae: What is this? It's 2 minutes before the bell. Where do you think you're going? (YoSuk keeps on looking at the car. HJ is standing next to it.) Don't you hear me?
DongJun came to grab YoSuk: Come on, let's go. (To Sunbae.) I'm sorry. (YoSuk kept on looking...)

*******Photo Studio
SuHwa is taking pictures, preparing for a Beauty Peageant.
Mb: If you win, you'll leave too?
SH: What do you think? Do I stand a chance? All the beauties of ChulRaDo and even Seoul's will be there... Could I win?

Kangsoo gave a speech to his men as he prepared to go to Seoul. He cannot wait to pay for the past humiliating experience.

*********Lawyer Suh's Room
Lawyer Suh is awaked in the middle of the night with a splash of water.
SY: How is your work going? (Suh is not intimidated.) Listen, if you can't win tomorrow, you'll die. Just wanted to tell you that.
LS: I could demand you for blackmailing me.
SY: And I could demand you for fraud.
LS: We'll see.

**********Police Patrol/ Police Station
A small house is surrounded by policemen, and a woman with a baby came out.
PalTae: (On the phone.) Are you there with the baby? Then I'm fine. You'll be all right. They promised me to protect you.
Yoo: (To Prosecutor Kong.) We promised 10 years of protection if he testifies.
SJae: We would change all their ID and address. If needed, we could pay for plastic surgery.
Prosecutor: If that's the case, he's safe. I'll use him as our last card.
Yoo: 5 years would be the minimum. If JMS is in prison for 5 years, his 40-year-old mafia may crumble without any sound.
Prosecutor Kong: In the name of our office, I will make sure he is convicted.

**********Police University/ Prof. Park's Office
YS came in.
PP: What's up? Have some coffee.
YS: I came to return this. (Handed him the bullet.)
PP: (Touching the bullet.) It was near Alamo #680. We had encircled them, and I had a feeling that if I take one more step, I would die. But I took it, and look what happened. Do you know why I did it?
YS: Isn't it because you are a policeman?
PP: That's right. You have answered right. As long as you are in this school, you will face distrust and rejection from people. Can you overcome it?
YS: (Weakly) Yes, Sir.
PP: Then, it's fine. (Gave the bullet back to him.) Return this to me on your graduation day. Today, I must do overnighters...
YS: Prof. Park, thank you for trusting me.

*********Court Room
JMS and JJS are in the front row, wearing prisoner's outfit. Lawyer Suh is being reprimanded by the judge. "Sorry, your Majesty."
*Doctor Hong is being interviewed by Prosecutor Kong. Lawyer Suh has no questions.
*A woman is interviewed by PK. LS has no questions.
*A traffic police officer is interviewed by PK. LS has no questions.
SY is getting angry.

SY is getting drunk, almost in tears. (To Sado.) "What if father really goes to prison?"
Sd: He won't.
SY: I can't imagine doing anything without him. If it happens, I'll have to take charge of everything, and everyone will try to kill me. I have no confidence I could survive. (Screaming, he started walking.) Don't follow me or I'll kill you!!!!

********Swimming Pool
SY is offering his hands to YeJu as she is coming out of the pool. She comes out on her own.
SY: Do you want to race? (No answer.) You really dislike me, don't you?
YJ: To be more precise, I have no feelings whatsoever.
SY: I won't appear before you anymore. I will do as I promise. But only if you win the swimming race.
YJ: I never lost to any man.
SY: I know, you're like a pro.
YJ: And if I lose?
SY: You'll have to give me one chance to formally date you as a normal human being. Like others, meeting you at a coffee shop, dressed in common jeans, watching a movie and a basketball game together. And take you home... That's all. Let's start the race now. (He took off his shoes and went in the water with his clothes on. YJ is surprised.) Let's start!!! Ahhhh. (Shouted like a wild animal.)
YJ continued looking at him. She took her clothes, and walked away. SY went mad and almost drown as he tried to catch her. Sado came to the rescue.
SY: (Laying on the floor.) Don't be so stuck up. If you knew me, I'm not such a "garbage" as you think. There's no one who doesn't deserve to be loved. (YJ listened, and walked away.)

********SJae's House
HJ is fixing SJae's clothes.
Soongjun: Today is the D-Day. Once the day is over, this will become the greatest day in the history of Korean Prosecution. (Laughing.) Lawyer Suh didn't speak one word. Actually he did: "I have no questions."

*********Police Station
Prosecutor Kang gives final instructions to PalTae, "Don't be nervous. And don't look at the opponent party. Just answer my questions."
PT: Alright...
Yoo: Have lunch first.

*********Police Station/ prisoner's room
PT is having lunch but something got stuck in his mouth. He took it out and unfolded a small picture. It's the face of a woman, and a bloody knife. PT shook with fear.

*********Police Station/ outside
Lawyer Suh: (Giving an envelop to a man.) You definitely put it there?
Man: Of course. (Lawyer Suh smiled.) **********Police University/ Dorm
YS sat in front of his desk, by himself. Prof. Park walked in.
PP: Today is your first day off. Aren't you going out? (YS smiled sadly.)

********Police University/ Bus Stop
YS is wearing the police uniform. A bus stopped in front of him but he didn't move. The bus left. A second bus came and went. Finally, he boarded one.

********Court Room
YS walked in. Sj saw him, MS saw him, SY and SJae saw him. SY is signaling to YS, making space for him. But YS ignored him and sat at the other corner, next to Sj.

********University Campus
HJ is running.
Insu: Where are you going? We have a meeting now.
HJ: Forget it, I can't go. I have to return the car to Oppa. He has a date. Make sure you explain to them well.

**********Court Room
*Lawyer Suh: (To Doctor Hong.) You said the knife was found in the water a year ago? And that each knife has a unique sharpness? (He went on saying that the knife could not be proven to be JaeSik's and that her theory is too weak. Doctor could not reply.)
*Lawyer Suh: (To a lady who testified having heard Mr. Jang giving orders to PT.) Could you go to that door please? Listen to the conversation in the next room. What are they saying?
Lady: They are talking about food?
LS: They're talking about women. (Laughter in the Court room.) Lady, did you write a novel or what?
*Lawyer Suh: (To a traffic policeman.) This is Primiton, a prescription remedy that you take?
Policeman: Yes.
LS: Isn't one of its side effects memory loss? How could you remember the face and circumstances of someone you just saw once, one year ago?
*PalTae is at the Podium.
Prosecutor Kong: Just answer clearly. On May 16th of last year, you received a phone call from the man seating there, JMS. What did he say? (PT is afraid to look up.) Just say it.
PT: It's true. He called me. Mr. Jang called me to see how my family was doing. (Noise.)
*Lawyer Suh: (To himself.) I found the mother who abandoned PT when he was little, I took a picture of her and gave it to PT as a present.
*The trial is over. The verdict will be on the 12th of next month. MS and JS stood up and were taken back to prison. MS and SJae faced each other. MS left.
YS continued standing. Sj stood too, feeling upset. YS prepared to leave as HJ entered the courtroom. They almost bumped into each other

To be Continue...

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