[Story Review] Mary Stayed Out All Night - Ep.11
Posted on December 13, 2010
Cr. - http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/
let’s stop
let’s live together for real in marriage
J agrees
they are going to switch off living with mary
if we get caught J will take responsibility
mary keeps asking what are you two doing?
mary asks how MG could say that
MG says he doesnt like her spending time with J
MG said he didnt know J would accept his offer
D tells JS said MG kept throwing airplanes and D got dark circles
D says mary fell in love with MG’s looks
JS likes D’s idea about having mary live with J
Mary comes hm and her bag is packed
D is telling mary to go live with J
D says live with MG or bury D
she asks for one day to think about it
mary calls MG and says her dad wants mary to live with J
MG asks why her dad is like that
mary says she wants to do what MG said
and go live with J
J goes to D and says he will give mary a separate room
and if mary missed D he will send her to D
mary asks why J accepted MG’s suggestions
since she helped him he wanted to help mary with MG
so mary accepts
she makes it clear her heart towards J is loyalty and her feelings for MG wont change
he says one day she can live with him and the next day she can live with MG
[I like this ep better already]
mg calls mary
he says she needs to be careful of guys
she says arent you a guy
he says lock the bathroom and her room
dont wear short skirts
dont go out at night
and call him
she tells him to be patient even if he misses her
D catches her packing bowls and stuff for MG’s place and she lies it’s for J
she says she wants to cook for J so she packed the bean paste
D asks if she packed her toothbrush
she says she will visit D every sunday
he says just seeing her happy is enough
she tells him to date now
he says he could have anytime
now he feels like he is sending her to her new married home
she leaves D a letter saying she made enough side dishes and stuff
J tries to find out about S
[please let her be gone for good]
mary comes to J’s hm
the fancy housekeeper is there to greet her
J comes over welcomes her
he says congrats for becoming one family
awwww – her room is cute – it is the library room with a bed thrown in now
looks cramped but cozy
J leaves a note in the book saying he found happiness in that book
then another note
how many did he write???
MG gets mad cuz she doesnt text for a whole day and he sends her a text saying do you like being at his home? MG muttters to himself – is this what youve become
JS calls her “aga” daugher
because mary JS got better
so JS wants to give her a present
holy moses it is a really pretty ring
JS tells J to put the ring on her finger
the size fits
JS says make that the wedding ring
mary gives the ring back to J later
J asks her to match what JS wants for now and he gives the ring back
and says he is trusting her with it for now
the friends and band drink the band chants “break up”
theband says tonight is mary’s first night
they keep talking about the first night with candles and eye contact
MG’s scowl gets worse by the minute listening to all that talk
MG gets up and leaves
he goes home and lies on his bed
he closes his eyes and imagine everything the other guys described
J is wearing a robe and she kissed J
MG gets a call from mary and it snaps him out of it
she says she has a secret from him
he asks what she is doing he asks if she likes it
he tells her to live there forever if she likes it
mary is knitting all night
by morning she is done
she finished his sweater
she goes out and J is setting the breakfast table and having an imaginary convo and she smiles watching him
she surprises him and he spits out water
he says today is her day to live with MG
and to keep her phone on so J can call her anytime if something happens
MG is back at work at the studio
the main title is done and J tells MG that S is gone and asks
if mg knows where she is
mg remembers what S said
MG asks if anything happened with mary
J asks if he is curious about their first night
J tells him to hear it straight from mary
MG is pissed
he tells himself to trust mary
MG’s mom is there when mary comes with her bag
the mom finds out mary is going to live there
mary asks what is wrong
the mom says she might not be able to go and cries
mary gives her tissue
and his mom sees her ring
[oh no - she better not take it]
mary tells her she needs to return it after a month
his mom says with this i could go
mary asks what problem she has
she says money
his mom talks really fast and asks to borrow the ring
so she can go to paris
before she can stop her
D calls and says he is brinbing her med for her and J
she says she will get it sunday
but he insists on dropping it off now so she runs back to J’s hm
she meets D and is out of breath
D wants to wait and see J’s face
and have drinks with him
mary calls mg about how she will be late cuz her dad came
his mom lies and says mary offered
MG gets furious and she says she will send money within a wk and he say you want me to believe that
he says when she leaves not to come out
he accuses her of past stuff
how she kept leaving him as a kid
he tells her to never show up in front of him again
he leaves
she still packs
J comes home and finds D
J says MG will be upset and he promises to do what he can to send her quickly to MG
she says she wants to feed her dad first
J is nicer and looser now
D tells mary to call J “honey” and not director and for J to do the same
mary gets a call from MG
mg came to J house
so she sneaks out
mg is mad about the ring
if you are going to do stuff like that let’s end this
she says dont say stuff without thinking
he says who did something without thinking first?
he goes home
he sees the sweater that mary had hid in the fridge earlier
and a card
he smells the sweater
there is a new version of my precious and it is pretty
D fell asleep on the sofa drunk
she says she will be back before he wakes up
j offers to take her
but she said she would go alone
MG wears her red sweater and goes to the ice skating rink alone
mary goes to his hm
and sees that he found her sweater
she remembers what he said about wanting to go to skate ring wearing the sweater his gf made
and she runs out
MG is skating alone
mary shows up
she is about the fall and he catches her
they hug
the actor finds S hiding in a club
[crap she's found]
he gets mad she keeps ignoring him
the manager comes and
she says let’s work together and S throws her drink on manager bang’s face
s asks how it feels to sell her photos like that
the actor finds out manager did that and is surprised
S calls the manager trash
and they fight and S pushes the manager and the manager hurts her head and it bleeds
mg and mary are at home and were gonna kiss but the band and her friends show up and interrupt
they play games
they chant for them to kiss
and he kisses her cheek
and mg and mary run out
she keeps saying it is cold
mg sings mary his new song – well not sings but more “na-nams” the whole song cuz no lyrics
he said he changed his music style for the first time
he wants to put her in the lyrics so he asks her to write the lyrics for their new song
mg walks mary home
d comes out
she tries to get him to go back inside so D wont see MG
mary lied to D that she had been out for a morning jog
mary works on the lyrics-no clue what she wrote
mg and the band are crashed at his house
MG gets woken up by a call
something happened with S so he has to go out and meet her
mary calls about the lyrics and he says he cant talk now
she wonders where he needs to go so early in the morning
the waiter tells MG that S fought with some woman and the other guy took
the woman to the hospital cuz she was badly hurt
MG takes S home
MG tells her to settle things if she is going to run away
he leaves her
Mg goes inside the office and S shows up
she meets J in the lobby
and mary shows up
wow it’s like a kim tak gu scene and music- so much drama-all 4 meeting like that
j says she worried alot and is glad she came back
she apologizes
she is recording with MG
and MG sees J and mary outside the recording booth
S cant sing tho looking at mary outside
she gets mad cuz she doesnt want to sing music that they made together and throws it at MG
guess great endings are a thing of the past
MG’smom didnt go to paris
she was tricked
JS asks mary to wear the ring he gave her