
[NEWS] Jang Keun Suk @Magazine Fans – April 2011 issue.

[NEWS] Jang Keun Suk@Magazine Fans – April 2011 issue.
Cr: mandy880514 @ Suk Baidu Bar
English translation: Aphrael77


The most beautiful male Korean idol Jang Keun Suk, with his slender figure and unique style, attracted the attention of fashion line Codes Combine who specially invited JKS to be their brand ambassador for 2011. Codes Combine has launched their latest Spring trendy collection. Appearing in comfortable clothes amidst ever-changing styles, JKS demonstrates the “in” look for this season!

JKS’ ambitions before his debut

From young, JKS had appeared in several commercials and has practically grown up in the showbiz business. Compared to other young idols, he has a stronger ability to adjust to this environment. Facing the media or the pursuit of fans, he always has a ready smile, thus gaining the love of the media and his fans. In addition to his dream of being a star, JKS had other childhood dreams too. “From young till senior high school, I had more than 10 ideal occupations!” JKS also ever wanted to open a shop selling streaky pork just because he liked eating it. He had also dreamed of being a doctor, thinking of what he would look like treating patients in a white robe.

Probably in his senior high school days, JKS started to become interested in snazzy cars. He would read car magazines, cut out the pictures of his dream cars and paste them on his bedroom wall to admire. One of his dreams included being the boss of a car retail centre. A speed enthusiast himself, he had also dreamed about being a professional car racer. However, maybe because JKS had been involved in shooting commercials since young, he had developed an interest in visual effects and creative work, and his other dream was to be involved in media-related work or to become a professional actor. Today, not only has his dream come true, JKS has also successfully ventured onto the international stage.

Memories of his days in New Zealand … …

While working overseas, even if JKS is not able to speak the local language fluently, he often draws on his English conversational skill to help strengthen communication and interaction, hence many people are aware that he has previously lived in New Zealand for one year. During that year, JKS has learnt to converse in English. Recalling the memories of living overseas, JKS said, “When my mother and I were in New Zealand for one year, although she cannot speak English at all, she actually attended language school together with me. I really feel that my mother is deserving of respect.”

In New Zealand, JKS got to know many classmates of other nationalities at the language school. Due to his good looks, he also had a Japanese girl classmate who confessed her love to him. JKS said there were very few girls at his language school and that Japanese girl was actually from another school. JKS shared frankly that many Korean men think that Japanese girls are very gentle, so he more or less harboured a little fantasy. Both of them liked each other, but during the first time he went out with the girl, he was scared off by the girl’s request to go steady, so he did not contact her after that. JKS said, “In a situation where both do not have sufficient understanding about the other person, how can one raise the request to go steady? After being friends and knowing each other better then can one make the decision.”

Revealing his ideal romantic type

When he looks at a girl, JKS will first look at her eyes! JKS said, “I feel that the expression in one’s eyes is very important in interaction between people. If a girl has a kind expression in her eyes, I cannot resist falling in love with her! Besides being kind, friendly and gentle, it will be great if she has fair skin and a slender neck! I like feminine girls, so I like girls who wear skirts.”

JKS has once said that if he meets a girl he loves, he can consider getting married any time. In showbiz work, the girls he comes into frequent contact with are actresses that he works with, and it may be easier for feelings to develop because of work, but JKS prefers his girlfriend not to be from the entertainment circle. “A celebrity’s work is often very busy. It’s enough that one party is so busy. The partner that I need is someone who can support me and be attentive and concerned about me and those in my life.”

Often asked by the media about his love life, JKS feels that it is very hard to find a life partner, and thinks that love is a difficult mission.

Being a “Pet lover” is not easy … …

In early March, his new movie “You’re my Pet” just had its grand opening press conference in Ibaraki, Japan, which attracted many reporters and thousands of fans in support. JKS’ original schedule to be in Ibaraki in May for filming is now affected by the large-scale earthquake disaster. JKS initially has many planned events in Japan these few months. In light of the earthquake, there has not yet been any announcement about his confirmed schedule, but having the support of many Japanese fans, JKS immediately donated 10 million yen through Japan Red Cross. JKS sincerely hopes that the earthquake victims can resume a normal, safe life as soon as possible.

When his role in “You’re my Pet” was confirmed, JKS has since worked hard to prepare for his character. Acting the role of a ballet dancer, he has actively maintained his diet and figure for 3 months consecutively, and continued practising his dance moves.
When asked about his impression of the female lead Kim Ha-neul, JKS said seriously, “She is my senior. I’ve seen many of her works. The role in this movie suits her very well. Through this chance, I think I can learn a lot from her. I’m happy to become her ‘pet’.”

Talking about his good friends in showbiz … …

JKS’ good friends in showbiz are Kim Hee-chul of Super Junior and Lee Hong-ki of FT Island. When they are free, they will get together, and also share group photographs on Twitter. JKS is very happy to talk about his good friends who are also renowned Korean stars in Asia. Their work schedules are packed and they may see one another once in a long time, but they often keep in contact via phone. In addition to their frequent interaction in private life, they will also appear publicly at one another’s events despite belonging to different agent companies, such as Hee-chul inviting JKS to be his special guest for the first episode of his radio programme.

Their relationship may be good, but when it comes to keeping track of accounts, JKS does not forget! JKS, who often digs at himself for being calculating and petty, said that he will write down in his notebook the people whom he dislikes or have offended him, and he will “exact revenge” when he finds a chance to. He reveals that good friend Hong-ki has been been listed in his notebook. “Once at a gathering, Hong-ki said he would foot the bill, but he ran off before settling the bill. I will note down incidents such as these.”

Because of Hong-ki, Choi Jong Hoon of FT Island is also a good friend of JKS. Coincidentally, the last character that “You’re my Pet” announced went to Choi. Good friends sure are fated to be together, and can act in the same movie! At the press conference, JKS revealed, “It’s Jong Hoon’s first time acting. After he knew that he was confirmed, he called me many times, asking me how to prepare for his character, how to practise the script and wanted me to help. I told him, in return, he must first bring wine to pay respects to me! Haha!”

10 secrets in JKS’ life… …

(1) When he wears a formal suit and shirt, JKS will become quieter as he wants to maintain a good image.
(2) If he is living on a deserted island, the things that JKS must have with him are DV, mobile phone and car.
(3) If he must choose a group to join, JKS will choose FT Island or CN Blue. He did consider Super Junior before, but after some thinking, he feels the group is too big and it would be hard to stand out and get attention.
(4) The places at home where he feels most comfortable in are his bedroom and kitchen.
(5) Once he has time, JKS cannot stay away from his mobile phone. Currently using iPhone, he sends about 400 or 500 messages a day to keep in contact with friends and family.
(6) Although JKS likes drinking and has capacity for liquor, he will get a headache when he drinks red wine.
(7) The most horrifying incident in JKS’ life was 2 years ago when he was driving along the expressway. It was raining and his car skidded off the road. His car was completely destroyed but luckily he was not injured at all.
(8) JKS thinks that it is not possible to have pure friendship between guys and girls.
(9) If JKS does not have a mobile phone and car in his life, he doesn’t know how to live.
(10) JKS currently has two cars – a sport utility vehicle for daily transport and a sports car for his speed enjoyment.

Advertisement Photo Shoot: Behind-the-scenes

Codes Combine has invited JKS and Kim Og Bin to be their brand ambassadors. The two look compatible during their photo shoot in the studio. JKS complimented Og Bin for her pretty looks and charm.

Both ambassadors have beautiful legs

The studio was crammed full with Codes Combine’s latest season’s clothes and accessories. After putting on their perfect make-up, the two ambassadors JKS and Kim Og Bin started their work for the day, presenting their best poses in front of the camera. The main reason why Codes Combine chose these ambassadors is that both have long, slender legs which will show off the best in the clothes.

Stressed to be photographed with JKS

Kim Og Bin shared frankly that she dieted intentionally before the photo shoot, because she did not want to compare badly next to the tall and slim JKS. Both displayed good rapport during the photo shoot, coming up with many poses and expressions that the photographer was satisfied with. The two also demonstrated on the spot which poses would make their legs appear longer in the photos. The process was relaxing and interesting.

When JKS was posing for his individual photographs, something happened. As slim as a lady, JKS did not discover that he had worn Og Bin’s pants until Og Bin said, “You are wearing my pants!” Having taken the pants by accident, JKS was surprised. He said the size was ok and even a bit loose on him. This incident tickled the crew immensely.

2nd collaboration after 4 years

JKS and Kim Og Bin had known each other from previous drama acting, so they don’t feel unfamiliar during this new collaboration. Talking about the first time they met each other 4 years ago, JKS said, “At that time, there were several of us actors having meetings and meals together. As I was only 21 years old then, most of the girls around me were older than me, so I naturally called her ‘elder sister’. Later, I found out that she is of the same age as me, and I stopped calling her ‘elder sister’.”

So pretty boys have their troubles too … …

JKS has always been known as a ‘pretty boy’, and hence has received much attention. But he has also faced some worries because he is too beautiful. “Because of my looks, many actresses hesitate about working with me, because they worry that when they take photographs with me, others may say that I am more beautiful than them.”
Although classified as a pretty boy, the male star that JKS admires most is manly Cha Seung-won, and most admired female star is Lee Young Ae who has recently become a mother.

Autograph session at Hong-dae outlet opening

To celebrate the brand’s opening in Hong-dae business district, Codes Combine ambassador Jang Keun Suk held an autograph session at the outlet at 4pm on 24 Feb 2011. Before JKS’ arrival, there were already hundreds of female fans queueing and waiting for him outside. When his car neared the entrance, the fans screamed. Surrounded by fans, JKS managed to enter the shop successfully under the protection of the staff and his manager. Full of smiles, JKS was photographed by the media in front of the background display board, and he did some cute stretching exercises before starting the autograph for fans.

Besides Korean fans, other fans came from Japan, China and Hong Kong. The promotion of this event has also made Codes Combine known by fans in other countries. In order to leave an impression on JKS, some fans made the effort to appear in rabbit costumes. Fans made use of the short time while JKS was autographing to tell JKS what they wanted to say to him. At fans’ unreserved declaration of love and support, JKS, friendly as ever towards fans, sincerely expressed his thanks and interacted with them. Only the first one hundred fans would have the chance to get JKS’ autograph, and for this chance, many fans even queued overnight!

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