
[News] Netizens Try and Uncover Identity of Kim Rae Won’s Famous Ex-Girlfriend.

[News] Netizens Try and Uncover Identity of Kim Rae Won’s Famous Ex-Girlfriend.
Cr. - enewsworld

Netizens are trying desperately to uncover the identity of Kim Rae Won’s first love.

SBS’ Healing Camp will next feature actor Kim Rae Won who touched on a variety of topics for his recording including his first love.

According to the actor, Kim Rae Won met his first love, an actress one year older than him, during his early days as an actor.

Falling completely head over heels in love with her, Kim Rae Won shared he sold his possessions such as a gold necklace from his mother, a phonograph and more for her and would take her home everyday even though the entire trip and back would take three hours.

He even added he loved her to the point he once jumped into the Han river because of her, catching even the show’s MCs by surprise.

Though the episode has yet to air, netizens have already begun scouring through all of Kim Rae Won’s works to try and uncover who the mystery actress is.

Based on Kim Rae Won’s statements, netizens have uncovered potential candidates to include Kim Tae Hee, Lee Yo Won, Bae Doo Na and more.

The full story and more will air on January 14.

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